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Total Records: 23 - Group: OTHER / Category: LIVING THINGS / Subcategory: BIRDS
Record Name
1Accipiptero STAR WARS EPISODE V: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK 1980 FilmLiving ThingsBirds

Flying creature on Dagobah.

2Alan Birds TWO AND A HALF MEN 2003 TV SeriesLiving ThingsBirds

Alan Birds
Joke Walden makes.

3Alcorian Sorrowhawk STAR TREK: DISCOVERY 2017 TV SeriesLiving ThingsBirds

Alcorian Sorrowhawk
Creature that Osyraa's crewmember Zareh mentions when Book hears the crew talking about truth serum and tells them he won't tell them anything. "That's what everybody says, and then they sing like an Alcorian Sorrowhawk."

4Arrietta Bird THUNDERCATS 1985 Animated SeriesLiving ThingsBirds

Arrietta Bird
Wonderful bird that the Berbils believe is a harbinger of a good harvest.

5Baneriam Hawk STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesLiving ThingsBirds

Baneriam Hawk
When Odo hangs out at the bar, Quark tells him that he resembles a Baneriam hawk looking for prey.

6Damogran Frond Crested EagleTHE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY 1978 LiteratureLiving ThingsBirds

Damogran Frond Crested Eagle
Animal from the planet Damogran. "A government spider sidled up to him and attempted to press a copy of his prepared speech into his hands. Pages three to seven of the original version were at the moment floating soggily on the Damogran sea some five miles out from the bay. Pages one and two had been salvaged by a Damogran Frond Crested Eagle and had already become incorporated into an extraordinary new form of nest which the eagle had invented. It was constructed largely of Papier-mache and it was virtually impossible for a newly hatched baby eagle to break out of it."

7Dunghill Bird STAR TREK: VOYAGER 1995 TV SeriesLiving ThingsBirds

Dunghill Bird
Neelix opens bottle of Potak cold fowl that he's been saving, made from the glandular secretions of an adult dunghill bird found only on Potak III.

8Eagles Jewelry & Silver MORK AND MINDY 1978 TV SeriesLiving ThingsBirds

Eagles Jewelry & Silver
Jewelry store next door to McConnell's Music Store.

9Flame Birds THE MARTIAN CHRONICLES 1950 LiteratureLiving ThingsBirds

Flame Birds
Creatures Ylla and her husband ride to town to see an entertainment.

10Flitterbird STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesLiving ThingsBirds

Quark and his lost love Natima reminisce about the day he installed his first holosuite. She'd never been in one before. He still has the program from their picnic on Rhymus Major. Two suns in the sky. The sound of the waterfalls. The whisper of flitterbird wings over their heads. He painted her face with honey. And a Mordian butterfly landed on her nose. And a Mordian butterfly got stuck on her nose. His wings were beating almost as fast as Quark's heart.

11Great Speckled CowbirdTHE RUNNING MAN 1982 LiteratureLiving ThingsBirds

Great Speckled Cowbird
Nonexistent bird, joke Ben Richards makes on one of the recorded tapes he sends to the Network.

12Hawking ZOMBIELAND: DOUBLE TAP 2019 FilmLiving ThingsBirds

Type of zombie. "Unfortunately, for every Homer, there's a Hawking, as in Stephen. Or maybe his slightly less accomplished sister, Beatrix, who's still got some brains left to figure shit out."

13Japanese Devil Owl WAKE UP, RON BURGUNDY 2004 FilmLiving ThingsBirds

Japanese Devil Owl
Bird that Ron mentions during the news.

14Jubjub BirdJABBERWOCKY 1871 LiteratureLiving ThingsBirds

Jubjub Bird
A desperate bird that lives in perpetual passion.

15Lawyer Bird THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesLiving ThingsBirds

Lawyer Bird
Animal from Question #1 on the Career Aptitude Normalizing Test: If I could be any animal, I would be A. a carpenter ant, B. A nurse shark, or C. a lawyer bird.

16Pikka BirdMOSTLY HARMLESS 1992 LiteratureLiving ThingsBirds

Pikka Bird
Animal from the planet Lamuella.

17RatbirdsCLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 2009 Animated FilmLiving ThingsBirds

One of young Flint's inventions.

18Reeta-hawk STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesLiving ThingsBirds

Animal that Miles' cellmate Ee'char mentions: You look like a reeta-hawk picking at a corpse.

19Singing Bird of Ultimate SuffocationFIGHT CLUB 2 2015 Comic BooksLiving ThingsBirds

Singing Bird of Ultimate Suffocation
Animal that Tyler requests in preparation for his next Phase of Global Transformation, from Tyler's Chaos Report.

20Snake Bird THUNDERCATS 1985 Animated SeriesLiving ThingsBirds

Snake Bird
In an attempt to escape from the genie Charr-Nin, the ThunderKittens pretend to doubt his powers and dare him to bring them a creature called a Snake Bird.

21Starbird STAR WARS REBELS 2014 Animated SeriesLiving ThingsBirds

Agent Kallus recognizes Sabine's artwork as the symbol of Phoenix Squadron, which was based on the Starbird, a creature of light rising in flames.

22Tarkalean Hawk STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesLiving ThingsBirds

Tarkalean Hawk
Odo tells the baby changeling that he could be a Tarkalean Hawk, soaring through the sky, or a Filian python burrowing deep beneath the ground. Later, when the baby changeling dies and Odo regains his changeling powers, he shape shifts into a Tarkalean Hawk and flies around the promenade.

23Yellow-bellied Pig BirdTHE RUNNING MAN 1982 LiteratureLiving ThingsBirds

Yellow-bellied Pig Bird
Nonexistent bird, joke Ben Richards makes on one of the recorded tapes he sends to the Network.

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